Friday, November 9, 2007

An Angel

I remember Rastafarian’s beads on Maria’s wrist, when she shook my hand first time. I’m not able to divide what I learned from her and what was mine in that time. I’m sure that she has changed me very much. I remember when we seeing of each other home, exchanging letters during boring lessons, walking through mountains (a lot of time for talking and to being silent together)… Her words still rings in my ears: "stones! You keep stones in your bag, don’t you? No? So why is it so heavy?!?", "did anyone promise you, that live would be easy?", "so small bottle of perfume in so small make-up bag… it must be yours?"
As soon as she discovered that I was shy, she got stopped back to let me go thru the door first. That was very nice, funny and a bit effective.
Everything finishes so this friendship has finished. I miss her. In my bedroom, on the wall a picture of an angel made by Maria is hanging. Friends leave prints in one’s soul.

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