Monday, June 9, 2008

Dog in Caryńskie

For the first walking tour this year we chose the path to the students shelter in Caryńskie. It is only about an hour and a half of walk by forest road. In the shelter, we were resting under an apple tree and we were observing a local dog. It was a young, black German Shehard.
When the dog noticed us, he approached us and showed that, in his opinion, not to pet him would be a gaffe. We petted him immediately. After that, he brought a twig and started to bit it. A few times he barked at some imaginable animals for us and probably very real for him. His owner, who was repairing a dilapidated car, gave him some chances for running by throwing the twig. The dog was running after the twig, then he was looking for it and running back. He was very disappointed when the owner would stopped being in the game anymore. It was very hard for him but when he accepted it, he would start to bitting his twig again.
In the photo: a picture in the orthodox church in Łopienka.